a FuN fUnKy FoLk ArT sToRe!

Journey along with self-employed artists, Richard and Linda Hamilton, peek into their lives... full of the daily challenges and drama of owning and operating Texas Trash and Treasures!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wonderland in Carmine

Seriously, I have never dabbled with drugs, but one may suspect so when they look at my work! Nothing is as it should be, instead, surprising, silly, unncommon, and full of wonder. Yes, there is a Wonderland here in Carmine. Kinda like Alice in Wonderland!! Wonderland in Carmine, where butterflies are navy blue with neon veins............. and all the birds are blue, with "happiness" inscribed on their wings.............

and fish seen swimming in the ponds have scales made from smashed tin cans..........

Could this really be true? I WONDER!! In the Carmine wonderland, all bikes have wheels with big puffy bows and roses on them...........

and last but not least, every home has a big colorful heart hanging in a prominate place, that says, SO HAPPY TOGETHER!! Now that's my idea of a wonderful wonderland, and it really exists here in Carmine!!


  1. fabulous! and something else so weirdly cosmic was I was listening to John Mayer " Your Body is a Wonderland" and then I read this post....now that is freaking silly!

  2. Love it! Kinda dreamy and crazy:) PS: Love your blog, I just started mine. Writing about fashion my life as a model and everything in between! Welcome! http://www.ubermimi.blogspot.com

  3. So Happy Together is one of my all time favorite songs, so that heart brings back memories!

    I'm very blessed that I can say those words about my husband! :)

    Great stuff, Richard & Linda!
