a FuN fUnKy FoLk ArT sToRe!

Journey along with self-employed artists, Richard and Linda Hamilton, peek into their lives... full of the daily challenges and drama of owning and operating Texas Trash and Treasures!

Friday, February 4, 2011


5:45 am, Sunday January 30. The man came to run it in less than 5 hours, that was his goal. 6:30 or so, waiting for the sun to come up! I am sitting on the curb, but the man came to run!!

I left the marathon man so he could join the madness, and walked around, still waiting for it to get light!! A few minutes later, they all ran under this sign!!

The next time I spotted him, was at mile 25!! I started ringing "the bell" as he left formation and ran toward me to plant a kiss on my cheek!!

A few minutes later, he crossed the finish line, 4:32, a time he was real pleased with!! Got the metal, got the shirt, and as he said,"got the girl", ME!!


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